10 Best Ways to Improve Web Designing Skills


Get to know the secrets behind a successful web designer

Nowadays, youngsters have stopped searching for careers in conventional fields because new career opportunities are emerging every day in new and exciting areas. Especially in the online fields of the internet and beyond. The amount of services and products available through online mediums makes it one of the most demanding spaces. For example, designing websites for companies wanting to enhance their business has become an ambitious career-making field. But if you are a beginner in this field, then you must do more than just attend free coding bootcamp sessions or read web design manuals. There are several secret tips to success in this field that you need to adopt in order to thrive.

How website designer augment business?

Almost every business, whether its large scale or small scale, all have their own websites which allows online as well as offline sales. Businesses of any kind are now promoted and marketed through various online sites. The work of a web developer is to fabricate a perfect website which contemplates with the business pattern and promote them to different popular sites. The better the site, the more popularity will it gain. So the entire online business depends upon the skills of a web designer. Creating a domain name, designing the website, adding proper contents, making it user-friendly and many more tasks are performed by a web designer in order to build an online business.

Here are the 10 best ways by which you can enhance your designing skills

1.    Enabling Code Kit

A Code Kit will be the absolute tool for a web designer to immediately recognize the changes in the browser you use without refreshing every time. Previously you had to refresh every time you wanted to note the changes. But this process has been made easier with advent of Code Kit.

2. Add asterisk to make global changes of your web page

To make a change on the web pages which will apply on a global basis, you must use an asterisk before the code encrypted to make the changes. So changing an individual feature of a web page separately is not required. The entire task can be done at one time.

3. Use Fenix Web Server for making a website noticeable to the developers

Different from PHP platform, Fenix web server does not require any server like SQL and PHP to work. Instead they use localtunnel which allows your website to be viewed online. Hence Fenix Web Server is considered as an incredible web server.

4. Pixelvicon provides with a collection of dashing icons

You are equipped with more than 80 icons which arrive in different styles. You can easily showcase these icons while designing any web page. These icons are not only simple images but they also consist of features like SVG, Webfont, PSD and PNG. The icons available in Pixelvicon will definitely help you get the best one out of the wide range of choices to induce in the web page.

5. Add FitVids to your list

Video embedding is an exclusive feature which is available in HTML5. But while embedding web designer face problems of resizing the videos accordingly. Another problem which occurs is after resizing in Flash the video degrades to a certain extent unlike HTML5. These problems are undoubtedly solved if a jQuery named FitVids is plugged in.

6. Size optimization can be initiated by SmushIt

Get SmushIt for your browser and allow automated image manipulation by cutting off the unwanted bytes. This tool reduces the size of the image file and inturn initiates its faster loading.

You can also use HostGator discount coupon codes to redeem prices on web hosting.

7. For templates and themes, Mazwai provides the best option

Similar to the icon collection, this tool provides you with various small clips and relatively short videos for decorating the web pages. These clips can be added to personal or commercial websites to initiate an extra feature to its designing. Mazwai cannot be used for building business or professional webpages.

8. PageKit is the fastest solution for creating web content

Writing blogs or content writing or simply creating new themes, are all taken care by the exclusive tool named PageKit. Writing content for websites can be a boring work of a developer. In this context, PageKit brings fun and comfort in work.

9. Web topography problem is solved by Font Squirrel

Font Squirrel provides free web fonts to the web designers to start a blog which practically reduces the trouble caused while generating topography in web page designing.

10. Version your files with Dropbox Pro

Despite of the huge storage capacity of your system, with the help of Dropbox Pro, your files will get version after every 30 days.

About: Vaibhav Mondhe

Sr. Editor As Head of editing, Vaibhav brings to the table over a decade of experience in Industry Research and Internet Marketing. His dedication, perseverance, and passion for perfection have enabled him to achieve immense success in his field. Vaibhav is an expert at delivering precise, engaging and detailed updates from around the world. His interests lie in writing news articles on newly launched Technologies, Software Products & Social Media happenings.